If you live, own property, or attend school in the City or Town of Poughkeepsie, you are eligible for a Poughkeepsie Public Library District library card.

Library card information for:

For those 18 years and older, apply online using the button below. Upon verification, you will receive an email with your library card barcode and instructions on how to set a Personal Identification Number (PIN). This library card barcode can be used to access all the PPLD e-Library services including eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, streaming videos, and databases without having to come to the library!

If you want to check out any physical items, or use other libraries in the Mid-Hudson Library System, you will need a physical library card. Simply visit any PPLD library Check-Out Desk with a valid photo ID, and proof of address for verification (see info below) to complete the registration process.

  • College students who are not local residents, but reside at a local college, are eligible for a Library District library card.
  • A current photo ID (such as a driver’s license) and a current student ID are required.
  • You must apply in-person at any Library District location.
  • The card is valid for one academic year and is renewable.
  • The application must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian and presented in-person at any library Check-Out Desk with the child.
  • The parent/guardian must provide proof of address (see information below) on behalf of the child.
  • The child must be present with the parent/guardian to receive their library card.
  • A parent/guardian may verify his/her child’s age or grade level in the absence of identification.
  • Minors have access to the same library materials as adult borrowers.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for the lost or damaged materials borrowed by their children.
  • Parents/guardians of minors not yet in the seventh grade may be given information about items checked-out, overdue, and fines/fees owed unless prevented by a court-issued custodial agreement.
  • Parents/guardians of minors in grades seven through twelve may be given information about overdue materials only upon presentation of the youth’s library card barcode number, printed overdue notice, or personal identification that confirms that the adult is the youth’s parent/guardian.
  • View the Library Card Terms and Conditions – Policy 1109 for complete information.

Limited use cards are offered to minors who have yet to obtain parental permission for a full access card.

The Limited Use card provides access to:

  • On-site computer use.
  • Digital and streaming content.
  • Up to three items (from the PPLD teen and juvenile collections) can be checked out at any given time.

View the Library Card Terms and Conditions – Policy 1109 for complete information.

  • Teens who attend any public or private school in the City or Town of Poughkeepsie are eligible.
  • A Library District Teen Card may only be used at a Poughkeepsie Public Library District location.
  • The library card application form must be signed by a parent or guardian and presented in-person at any library Check-Out Desk with the child.
  • Teens must be present to receive their library card upon registration.
  • Verification of school enrollment is required. Current school IDs are the preferred form of verification.
  • Library District Teen Cards have access to the same library materials as adult borrowers.
  • Teen Card accounts may have only three items checked out at any given time.
  • Parents/guardians of teens in grades seven through twelve may be given information about overdue materials only upon presentation of the youth’s library card barcode number, printed overdue notice, or personal identification that confirms that the adult is the youth’s parent/guardian.
  • View the Library Card Terms and Conditions – Policy 1109 for complete information.
  • A Teen Room Use form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian if planning to spend time in a Library District designated Teen space.
  • Post office boxes are accepted as mailing addresses. Proof of residence is still required.
  • Any tax bills, rent receipts, or statements from a homeless shelter used for verification of identity must be dated no more than 3 months prior to the application date.
  • Any of the above must be dated within the last 3 months, as indicated by the postmark or date of the printed e-bill.
  • The name and address provided to verify identification must match the information entered on the application.
  • The same identification must also be presented when a change to the borrower’s address is made and when replacing a lost card. Cardholders are required to report change of name or address information promptly.
You can check your Library Account to see what you have out, any fines you owe, renew items, and items you have on hold by clicking the My Account button on the top of the webpage. Sign in to your Library Account with your library card barcode and pin.

You can update your phone, address, email, preferred “Home” library, preferred pick up location, and preferred method of notification.

  • Login to your library account.
  • From the “My Bookshelf” menu bar located at the bottom of the page, click on the words “My Bookshelf” or the “^” to open/raise it.
  • Click “Profile”
  • Then “Edit Profile”
  • Click “Save”

The library sends notifications for the following:

  • Item to pick up
  • Item soon due or renewed
  • Item overdue

“Opt-in” for Text Messages about your items:

  • In the top right of the menu, select “Sign up for texts”.
  • Enter your mobile number and service provider.
  • Check the box to Opt-In.
  • Click SUBMIT to save the Change.
  • A text will arrive soon asking you to reply “YES” to confirm that you wish to receive texts from the library.

Please note: The text notice is in addition to the regular notification, so we still send the email or phone message.

Sign up for Library District emails to learn about upcoming programs and events!

  • Books (including browsing), audiobooks, magazines, Nooks (no renewals) – 21 days
  • DVDs – new titles (these are noted on the case) are due in 7 days, the rest are due in 21 days
  • Music CDs – new titles (these are noted on the case) are due in 7 days, the rest are due in 21 days
  • Games – 7 days
  • Downloadable audiobooks, eBooks – 7 or 14 days
  • Homework/seasonal materials may have limits due to demand.
  • Patrons may have a maximum of twenty-five (25) total items out at any given time.  Of the 25, patrons may only have a total of ten (10) media items out at one time.
  • New patrons may only have five (5) items out at a time for the first six (6) months of having a new card or registering after a lapse.

Renewal of borrowed items:

  • Renewals and reserves may be done in person, by phone, or in your library account.
  • Auto Renewal is a feature which renews eligible items that are checked out to patrons in good standing, in an automated process, using Courtesy Notices. Two days before the item is due, the patron will receive an email notice to inform them that their item has been renewed and will now be due at a later date. If an item cannot be renewed, a courtesy notice will still be sent with a reminder that the item is due. Only items that are already eligible for renewal can be automatically renewed. View Auto Renewal FAQs.

PPLD is Now Fine Free!

The Library District has eliminated fines for most overdue materials and unclaimed holds checked-out at any Library District location; however, items checked-out at other libraries may continue to be subject to overdue fines.

Unreturned materials will continue to be billed to the borrowing patron, and unpaid bills will continue to be referred to collections.

Overdue fines will continue for the following items:

  • Lost or damaged materials – replacement cost (includes processing)
  • Library of Things items: $20 fine if returned to Book Drop (plus damages); $5 late fee per day; replacement cost if lost or not returned (including Wi-Fi hotspots).
  • MAP Passes: $5 per day fine; (okay to use drop box after closing time). If not returned within one week, the pass is considered lost, and a replacement cost fined.
  • Fines and bills may be paid in person with cash, check, or credit card. You may pay online through your library account.
  • Account with balances of $25 and over may be referred to collections.
  • Fines and fees schedule is subject to change.

When in any library location, you are expected to have your library card with you. We reserve the right to require you to present it for any library services. Further, we reserve the right to suspend your borrowing privileges if your account balance from fines and fees is $10.00 or more.

Please note that you are responsible for all items checked out on your card. Call the Library District immediately if your card is lost or stolen. Treat your library card like a credit card. The first card replacement is $1; each subsequent replacement card is $5.

Library Card Terms and Conditions – Policy 1109

Questions about your library card account? Email fixmylibrarycard@poklib.org or call (845) 485-3445 x3701