Programs and Resources in Spanish
For more information, contact Elva Margarita Corbaton at (845) 485-3445 ext. 3321

Plaza Comunitaria Poughkeepsie
Classes in alphabetization, first and second grades offered in Spanish. This program is aimed at Spanish speakers. The classes and materials are free.

Translation Service
The Library District, in collaboration with the Marist College Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, is pleased to offer this translation service to our patrons.

Mostrador de Referencia e Información en Español
Información general, llenado de formas, ayuda con aplicaciones de trabajo, inscripciones para los programas de la biblioteca, solicitud de pases gratuitos para parques, museos y atracciones que ofrece la biblioteca, solicitud de traducciones, servicio de notario en español, y más puedes encontrar con nosotros. No requiere inscripción.
Community Resources
English Classes (ESL) y and GED (HSE)
Literacy Connections
Information about the English program (ESL)
Registration Form
Dutchess Community College
Information about the English classes (ESL)
Information about the GED (HSE)
Dutchess Boces Adult Learning Institute
Information about the English classes (ESL)
Information about the English classes GED (HSE)
Hudson Valley Justice Center
Free legal counsel in civil matters regardless of immigration status. Eviction Defense, Family Law, Individual Advocacy, Immigration and Citizenship, and Victim Advocacy.
Municipal Identification Program (ID)
Poughkeepsie City Identification Application
Neighbors Link – Works to build stronger communities through immigrant empowerment and integration.
See our tutorials in Spanish on our YouTube channel.