GoPro HERO5 Black Camera
Loan Period: Seven (7) Days (non-renewable)
Available to: Poughkeepsie Public Library District residents, 18 and over, with a PPLD Library Card for at least six months, and with no fines.
Pick Up/Return: Adriance Memorial Library Checkout Desk
Number of Kits Available: One
Kit Contains: Multiple parts that are reviewed at Check-out and Check-in
Fines: $20 if returned to Bookdrop (plus damages); $5 late fee per day
Borrower’s Agreement: Review and sign with staff at Circulation Desk before check-out and when checking back in. Includes Guidelines, Fines and Liability, Proper Use & Care. View Borrower’s Agreement here.
Call the Check-Out Desk to place a hold: 845-485-3445 x3701
GoPro HERO5 Black Kit
Action Camera, Micro SD Card, Rechargeable Battery, Multiple Components, Mounts, USB Cord and Charger, Case & Carry Bag
This compact digital action camera captures 4K high definition video and takes 12MP photos, using an ultra-wide angle glass lens. It has built in touch display for setting up and reviewing your shots. You can transfer them from the Library’s micro SD card to your own device, tablet or computer for editing using free apps from GoPro, CAPTURE, and QUIK, to share them. You will enjoy the benefits of these functionality features:
- voice control
- stabilized video
- crystal clear audio
- rear touchscreen
- interval capture for time lapse
- able to interface with mobile devices using Bluetooth and WiFi
GoPro HERO5 Black Kit contains these parts, plus a carry bag and case. View the How to Pack the GoPro Case and Bag PDF here.
Guidelines for Borrowing and Returning
- Seven day loan period to a Borrower that is 18 or over, and is a Poughkeepsie Public Library District resident with a PPLD Library Card with no fines.
- Checked-out and Returned at Circulation Desk of Adriance Memorial Library following procedures in the Borrower’s Agreement.
- Borrower and Library Staff sign and date this Agreement and Guidelines, and GoPro Parts Check Agreement Form, using GoPro Parts Guide, to mark the GoPro Kit’s parts at check-out and at check-in.
- Please return with a battery charge remaining so it can be turned on at check-in with Library Staff.
Fines and Liability
- $20 fine if return the GoPro Kit in the Library’s Book Drop.
- Borrower is responsible for replacement costs of parts or camera if missing or damaged.
- $5.00 late fee per day. If not returned in two weeks, Borrower is billed for replacement cost.
- Borrower acknowledges responsibility for reading the GoPro HERO5 Black’s Instruction Manual and Videos (posted on the Library’s GoPro webpage) for its proper care and use, and by signing below, accepts liability for any damages to the GoPro camera or parts.