Big Read Resources for Teens

John Lewis, 24, national chairman of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, is ushered into police wagon during racial demonstration. Circa 1960
Further Reading
The Sun Does Shine Young Readers Edition by Anthony Ray Hinton
Adapted for young readers, this true story follows a man who spent thirty years on death row for a crime he didn’t commit and how he transformed not only his own spirit, but those of his fellow inmates, until his release in 2015.
How I Resist: Activism and Hope for a New Generation edited by Maureen Johnson
Now, more than ever, young people are motivated to make a difference in a world they’re bound to inherit. They’re ready to stand up and be heard – but with much to shout about, where they do they begin? What can I do? How can I help? How I Resist is the response, and a way to start the conversation.
X: A Novel by Ilyasah Shabazz, Kekla Magoon
Cowritten by Malcolm X’s daughter, this riveting and revealing novel follows the formative years of the man whose words and actions shook the world.
2024 Big Read Professional Development Packet
2024 Big Read Professional Development Presentation
Curriculum Resources for Run
Education guide by
Abrams Books Teaching Guide for Run
Helping Students read between the lines: Graphic Novels, Inferences, and Close Reading by the Teaching Factor
John Lewis: Get in the Way PBS Series
Get in the Way educational guide by BullFrog Films
Educational guide about John Lewis by PBS Media
Lessons in Good Trouble: John Lewis & Social Justice Movements Worldwide by Minecraft Education
For Students: Good Trouble: Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation by
For Educators: Good Trouble:Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation by
Good Trouble: Then and Now by
Good Trouble for a Better Future by Learning for Justice
John Lewis: Good Trouble Documentary Resources by NJ Performing Arts Center
LBJ and the Civil Rights Movement by the LBJ National Historic Site
Eisenhower and Little Rock: A Civil Rights Lesson by Eisenhower National Historic Site
Civil Rights Then and Now (Grades 9-12) by Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site
The History of Voting Rights in the United States by Gateway National Park
Civil Rights History Project by the National Museum of African American History and Culture
Classroom resources for Black History Month by PBS Newshour Classroom
What Our Students Should Know About the Struggle for the Ballot by Zinn Education Project
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the U.S. Department of Education
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom from the Library of Congress
Commemorating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the National Archives
Voting Rights Educators Guide by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of America
The Sun Does Shine Teacher’s Guide by
The Sun Does Shine Study Guide by
Eyes on the Prize PBS Series additional resources
Civil Rights Act at 60: The Black and African American Experience in the United States
The following movies are available for free, via Kanopy, to Poughkeepsie Public Library District library cardholders (residents, property owners, and/or students attending schools within the tax district).
With Kanopy, you can stream thousands of titles – anywhere, anytime from your internet-connected device. Stream award-winning comedies, documentaries, drama, animation, shorts, classic TV and more.
Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes
Robin Roberts Presents: Mahalia
Civil Rights: Fairness from Government
Washington’s Civil Rights Landmarks
Lady You Shot Me: Life and Death of Sam Cooke
Voting Matters: Fighting for your Voter Rights
Rise Up: The Movement that Changed America
Noble Sissle’s Syncopated Ragtime: The Story of Noble Sissle
I Am Not Your Negro: James Baldwin and Race in America
The Uncomfortable Truth: The History of Racism in America
Early Civil Rights: Washington or Du Bois?
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
Mr. Civil Rights: Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP
“All Men Are Created Equal” – Civil Rights
Emancipation Road: 1963-1968 – The Civil Rights Era
The New Black: LGBT Rights in African American Communities
Stories From the Road to Freedom
The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Solder of the Civil Rights Movement
Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights
Fannie Lou Hamer: Voting Rights Activist
Ida B. Wells: Crusader For Human Rights
February One: The 1960 Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-ins
At the River I Stand: The Climax of the Civil Rights Movement
The Autobiography of Miss Jane PittmanKing: Legacy of a Dream
Voter Rights & Registration:
Teaching the 26th Amendment With The New York Times
Generation Vote
Rock the Vote Democracy Class
One Person, No Vote: How All Voters Are Not Treated Equally View Goodreads listing.
How to become part of a movement for change:
Is Your Generation Doing Its Part to Strengthen Our Democracy?
20 Teen Activists Who Inspire Us To Do More Good
Youth Activism Project
Art study/workshop – Propaganda
Media Landscapes: Navigating a World Full of Propaganda
Create a Propaganda Poster Activity