What is a Friends group?
Our Mission: The purposes of the organization shall be to provide an association for people interested in the Poughkeepsie Public Library District; to promote the importance of the library as an informational and cultural force in the community; to develop a thorough understanding of the library’s responsibilities, limitations, and difficulties; to make the public aware of the facilities of the library and to stimulate use of the library’s services and resources; and to encourage support of the library through gifts and volunteer services.
Our Vision: The Friends of the Poughkeepsie Public Library District will provide opportunities for the community to support the Poughkeepsie Public Library District and will grow in order to assist the Library District in meeting the needs of the community.
Board Meetings: The Friends Board meets every month on the third Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Book Store. The Book Store is located behind the Boardman Road Branch Library, 141 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie (entrance is on the south side of the building under the blue awning).
By-Laws: The By-Laws can be downloaded and viewed here.
To learn more about the FPPLD Board and its committees, contact FPPLD Board President, Norma Vazquez at friendspresident@poklib.org
Follow the Friends on Facebook for current events and information.