Nature Exploration Backpacks
Available from the Parenting Collection at Adriance Memorial Library’s Children’s Department, Check-Out Desk (2nd Floor) or from the Boardman Road Branch Library Check-Out Desk. Backpacks must be returned in-person (not the Book Drop) to the library where you borrowed them from.
What is a Nature Exploration Backpack?
Nature Exploration Backpacks are designed to encourage children and families to explore the outdoors together while learning about wildlife and habitat.
Backpack Loan Info:
- Available to PPLD residents only, 18 and over, who have had a library card in good standing for more than 6 months.
- Backpacks can only be checked out by a parent/guardian who will be responsible for the backpack.
- One backpack per family may be checked out at a time.
- A backpack loan period is 1 week.
- Backpacks are not renewable, nor able to be placed on hold.
- If lost or not returned, there is a $100 replacement fee.
- Backpacks must be returned in-person (not the Book Drop) to the library where you borrowed them from.
These backpacks were made possible by a Learn, Play, Create Grant from Dutchess County.