Day of the Dead Events

Día de Muertos

Tin Skulls
Calavera de hojalata
Domingo, 27 de octubre, 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Adriance Memorial Library
Programa bilingue.
No require inscripción.
Únase a nosotros para crear y embellecer una artesanía de hojalata inspirada en una calavera de azúcar en conmemoración del Día de los Muertos. Hasta agotar existencias.
Day of the Dead Sugar Skull–Inspired Craft
Sunday, October 27, 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Adriance Memorial Library
No registration required.
Please join us in creating and embellishing a sugar skull-inspired tin craft in commemoration of the Day of the Dead. While supplies last.
Day of Dead Alter
Exhibición de Altares de Día de Muertos
Del 27 de octubre al 5 de noviembre
Adriance Memorial Library
No requiere inscripción.
Altares de Muertos tradicionales que dan la bienvenida a los que se nos adelantaron y han pasado a la otra vida. Creencia mexicana ancestral en la que se ofrenda pan, frutas, comida y bebida preferida de los seres queridos, y, al mismo tiempo, se dialoga con su recuerdo, con su vida. Los altares se estarán exhibiendo en  Adriance Memorial Library.
Day of the Dead Altar Exhibit
October 27 – November 5
Adriance Memorial Library
No registration required.
Traditional altars of the Dead that welcome those who have gone before us and have passed on to the afterlife. An ancestral Mexican belief in which bread, fruit, food and favorite drinks of loved ones are offered, and, at the same time, we dialogue with their memory, with their life. The altars will be on display at Adriance Memorial Library.
Grupo Folklorico
Cuentos del Día de Muertos con el Grupo Folclórico de Poughkeepsie
Saturday, November 2, 2 – 4 pm
Lateef Islam Auditorium, Family Partnership Center
29 N. Hamilton Street, Poughkeepsie
No requiere inscripción. No registration required.
El Grupo Folclórico de Poughkeepsie presenta un espectáculo que combina danza, música y una narración reflexiva sobre la vida después de la muerte. A través de esta presentación, se busca conectarse con la esencia misma de esta festividad recordando a nuestros seres queridos, celebrar sus legados y reconocer que, aunque sus cuerpos ya no estén, sus presencias viven eternamente en nuestros corazones. Juntos celebreremos la vida y honraremos a los que partieron. Habrá pan de muerto y chocolate para todos los asistentes.
Stories of Day of the Dead with Groupo Folklorico Poughkeepsie
Saturday, November 2, 2 – 4 pm
Lateef Islam Auditorium, Family Partnership Center
29 N. Hamilton Street, Poughkeepsie
No registration required.
The Poughkeepsie Folkloric Group presents a show that combines dance, music, and a thoughtful narrative about life after death. Through this performance, we seek to connect with the very essence of this holiday by remembering our loved ones, celebrating their legacies, and recognizing that, although their bodies are gone, their presence lives eternally in our hearts. Together we will celebrate life and honor those who have passed away. There will be bread of the dead and chocolate for all attendees.
Cemetery decorated for Day of the Dead in Mexico
Day of the Dead in Mexico: Symbols, Customs, and Practices
Saturday, November 23, 11 am-12:30 pm
Adriance Memorial Library
Registration required.
This program will be presented in English only.
Dan Sandford is part of a two-person team that has been working on a documentary project entitled Death in Mexico: Traditions of Remembrance. Using a twelve-year span of onsite recorded video and commentary, this presentation will provide a general overview of some astonishingly varied ways the people of Mexico carry out acts of remembrance to honor their dearly departed. It will consider key ritualistic practices endemic to all of Mexico, and also highlight regional differences. How does a pre-encounter worldview affect the practices in those communities where a native tongue is still vibrant?