Big Read Resources for Adults

Signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks to the nation before signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Creator: LBJ Library photo by O.J. Rapp Date: 1964-07-02
The Sun Does Shine – Oprah’s Book Club
Anthony Ray Hinton –
Summary of The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton
The Sun Does Shine Discussion Questions by Kate Bowler
Discussion questions for The Sun Does Shine by I Follow the Leader
The following movies are available for free, via Kanopy, to Poughkeepsie Public Library District library cardholders (residents, property owners, and/or students attending schools within the tax district).
With Kanopy, you can stream thousands of titles – anywhere, anytime from your internet-connected device. Stream award-winning comedies, documentaries, drama, animation, shorts, classic TV and more.
Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes
Robin Roberts Presents: Mahalia
Civil Rights: Fairness from Government
Washington’s Civil Rights Landmarks
Lady You Shot Me: Life and Death of Sam Cooke
Voting Matters: Fighting for your Voter Rights
Rise Up: The Movement that Changed America
Noble Sissle’s Syncopated Ragtime: The Story of Noble Sissle
I Am Not Your Negro: James Baldwin and Race in America
The Uncomfortable Truth: The History of Racism in America
Early Civil Rights: Washington or Du Bois?
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
Mr. Civil Rights: Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP
“All Men Are Created Equal” – Civil Rights
Emancipation Road: 1963-1968 – The Civil Rights Era
The New Black: LGBT Rights in African American Communities
Stories From the Road to Freedom
The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Solder of the Civil Rights Movement
Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights
Fannie Lou Hamer: Voting Rights Activist
Ida B. Wells: Crusader For Human Rights
February One: The 1960 Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-ins
At the River I Stand: The Climax of the Civil Rights Movement
Northern Dutchess National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Civil Rights in America by the National Park Service
Civil Rights History Project by the National Museum of African American History and Culture
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom from the Library of Congress
Commemorating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the National Archives
Census Special Edition 50th Anniversary Civil Rights Act
New York Historical Society: Running for Civil Rights: The New York Pioneer Club, 1936 – 1976
Facts for Features: *Special Edition* 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act: July 2 by the US Census Bureau
Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Google Arts & Culture
The Songbook: Music’s Voice in the American Civil Rights Movement
Forces for Change: Mary McLeod Bethune and Black Women’s Activism
Where Do We Go From Here? Mass Incarceration and the Struggle for Civil Rights from the Economic Policy Institute.
Oh Freedom! Teaching Art and the Civil Rights Movement – Smithsonian American Art Museum