Welcome to the Public Computer Center!

Computer Lab

Receive individualized help with your computer-based needs. No registration required.

Computer Lab Hours:
Monday: 11 AM – 1PM
Tuesday: 11 AM – 1PM
Thursday: 11 AM – 1PM
Friday: 11 AM – 1PM

Location: Adriance Memorial Library, Marcotte Computer Lab on the Main (M) Floor.

If you need an online meeting, contact Tino Muscetta, Technology Instructor, at tmuscetta@poklib.org or (845) 485-3445 x3380.

Computer Classes

Free classes to address all your technology needs!

View or register for upcoming in-person classes (location/time listed for each class) here.

Teen Tech Helpers

Get help with simple tech problems.

Saturdays: 9 AM – 1 PM
Adriance Memorial Library, next to the Ground floor Check-Out Desk.
No registration required.


Asistencia Tecnológica Individual

Martes de 9:00 – 10:30 am
Jueves de 9:00 – 10:30 am
Adriance Memorial Library, Marcotte Computer Lab (Main Floor)

Reciba ayuda individual en computación básica, correo electrónico, llenado de formularios, llenado de formas en línea para desempleo, creación y edición de documentos en Word y Excel y asistencia con el manejo del celular. Para más información comunicarse con Elva Margarita Corbaton al (845) 485-3445 ext. 3321

Free Online Resources:

Library YouTube Channel

Recorded lessons taught by Library Instructors.

GCF Learn Free

More than 125 Free tutorials. No registration required.


Learn the keyboard.

Mousing Around

Learn how to use a mouse efficiently.

Digital Learn

A collection of free, self-directed tutorials.

Excel Easy

For beginner to advanced users, unlock all that Excel offers.


Learn to code, for free.

Graphic of a black woman using a laptop

AARP Virtual Community Center

Online Tech classes for all ages
Graphic of elderly man using a laptop

Senior Planet (From AARP)

Online Tech classes for ages 60+