We’re hitting pause on the FLIP program for a bit, from December 19th to May 1st.
But don’t worry! We’ll still be processing all the materials we have on hand and anything we receive before December 19th as usual.
Family Lineage Image Preservation (FLIP) Digital Services
Family Lineage Image Preservation (FLIP) Digital Services provides scanning and transferring services for the conversion of your family images, in both still and moving formats. The service is available to Poughkeepsie Public Library District library cardholders who are 18 years of age or older and have no outstanding fines, fees, or overdue materials. There is a $4.00 materials fee to use the service.

To Request Using FLIP Digital Services:
- Read the Service Guidelines below for converting your family images and prepare your materials according to the guidelines.
- Request an appointment to meet with library staff to drop off your materials by emailing makerservices@poklib.org and specify if you prefer a daytime, evening, or weekend appointment, and we will respond to set up a date and time.
- Bring the completed Tracking Form and your materials to your appointment time to the Adriance Memorial Library Check-out Desk on the Ground Floor. Allow 10-15 minutes to meet with staff to receive your materials.
- When your materials have been digitized, and loaded onto a new USB drive, you will be contacted by email to set up an appointment to meet with a staff member to return and sign over your materials back to you. At this time, you will need to pay the $4.00 fee for the cost of the new USB drive.
Questions? Please direct any questions to makerservices@poklib.org or call Adriance Memorial Library Reference Desk at (845) 485-3445 x 3702 to speak to a Librarian about the FLIP Digital Services.
Service Guidelines:
- For each request, video is limited to a total of 5 hours of runtime, and images are limited to 100 at a time. All film negatives should already be cut into strips and be in protective sleeves or envelopes.
- Photographs should not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches.
- Cut 35mm film negatives should not be longer than 8.75 inches.
- Cut 120mm film negatives should not be longer than 8.5 inches
- Please see the list of acceptable media formats. At this time, the library is not equipped to transfer motion picture film such as 8mm and 16mm home movies.
- Due to copyright considerations, you must certify that you own the rights to the material being dropped off. This means that videos cannot contain material that was recorded off of your television including sitcoms, soap operas, movies, etc., and that nobody else can claim ownership of your photographs and slides.
- There is a $4 material fee for a new USB drive to store your converted digitized materials. This fee is due when you pick up your materials. USB drives cannot be reused for future services, since doing so poses a risk of exchanging computer viruses.
- To keep the service available to other PPLD library cardholders, there is a mandatory wait time of two weeks before submitting additional materials.
- Materials are processed on a first‐come, first‐served basis. We expect to transfer and return your materials in about 2–3 weeks from when it is dropped off. However, the service may take longer depending on staff availability and number of requests.
- We will make every effort to handle your materials with care. It is important to understand that old media formats can be temperamental, especially tape media. Tape media that was stored improperly or was previously damaged in any way by a tape machine is at greater risk for malfunction, including but not limited to tape breakage and loss of picture and sound.