The Library District offers exam Proctoring for colleges/universities and monitor exams for some pre-licensing Real Estate providers and some insurance providers affiliated with the New York State Department of Financial Services. It is your responsibility to verify that a public librarian can proctor your exam.
- It’s a free service – at the Adriance Memorial Library (although exams are given on the Main/quiet floor of the library, other people may be distracting or talking during your exam).
- Proctored/Monitored exams need to be scheduled with Bridget O’Donnell (bodonnell@poklib.org), preferably a week before the exam date/deadline. Some college exams can be proctored by another librarian if it has been arranged by Bridget O’Donnell.
- Test takers need to show photo ID (college ID or driver’s license) before beginning their exam.
- The library can accommodate 2 and 3 hour exams but, we rarely proctor 3-hour exams and do not proctor exams that exceed three hours.
- Exams are not proctored on the weekends.
- The Library District Proctoring Policy can be viewed here.