Foundation Center

Foundation Directory Online Professional is the Foundation Center’s premier searchable database for nonprofits with 501c3 status. It contains records for thousands of U.S. grant makers. Foundation Directory Online Professional records can be emailed or saved to a flash drive.
Foundation Directory Online Professional is only accessible from within PPLD libraries on any library computer or through the library’s Wi-Fi.
View a helpful chart for getting started with grant seeking.
Foundation Grants to Individuals Online database for individuals who do not have 501c3 status. The grants in this database are for education, artists, writers, or individuals looking to start a nonprofit. Foundation Grants to Individuals Online is only accessible from within PPLD libraries on any library computer or through the library’s Wi-Fi.
View a helpful chart for getting started with grant seeking.
Use Candid Learning to help your nonprofit become a more viable grant applicant by improving your grant seeking skills.
Guidestar connects you with the nonprofit information you need. Search GuideStar for the most complete, up-to-date nonprofit data available and create/update your own non-profit’s profile.
Adriance Memorial Library is a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center.