Short Story Dispenser – What is it?

Short Story Dispenser

You can get a story on demand at the Short Story Dispenser on the Main floor of the Adriance Memorial Library. Collections include a mix of short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and even comics! The machine selects a story at random, and prints it instantly for you using eco-friendly paper. Even though there is a library full of books, this is a fun way to get stories delivered straight to your hands.

Online short story dispenser screenshot

The library has an online version of the Story Dispenser, too!

woman writing in a notebook

The collection is curated by Short Edition, the manufacturer of the Short Story machines, and the Poughkeepsie Public Library District. You are encouraged to contribute your stories to add to the collection. Work that is appropriate for adults, children, or teens is requested and may be edited for grammar and spelling. You will need to make an account to submit.

two students look at a short story that was dispensed from the Short Story Cube

Are you an educator in the City or Town of Poughkeepsie? The Library District is excited to offer a portable Story Cube! View the curriculum guide that Short Edition has put together!

Contact Yvonne Laube at (845) 485-3445 x3382 to collaborate on a special program with your class.