Mahogany submitted these original illustrations “inspired by @lavendertowne‘s series “If ___ turned to cute girls (Or guys)”. I made this because I felt like inside out didn’t have enough positive characters. Here’s some quirks for all of them.

(1) Love has the ability to melt into a puddle and move around like Splatoon characters (Minus the squid). I did this because love sometimes makes you feel like melting into a puddle.

(2) Whenever I think of Curiosity, I think about young children, so that’s why he looks the youngest (Though he’s probably as old as Joy and sadness). He probably stores everything he finds interesting in his hair. I also think he can’t say something without making it sound like a question.

(3) Nostalgia probably sounds like the women on the T.V. during the 50s. She’s basically the parent friend.

(4) I like to think that Tired always does night shifts, which is why he might always be tired. He always whispers when he talks.”

Illustrated female manga character that represents Love by artist Mahogany Jean-Charles
Illustrated female manga character that represents Curiosity by artist Mahogany Jean-Charles
Illustrated female manga character that represents Nostalgia by artist Mahogany Jean-Charles
Illustrated male manga character that represents Lobeing Tired by artist Mahogany Jean-Charles